Monday, May 22, 2006

Myself and the reason for the blog

This blog will be based upon my belief that while the world is always changing, human nature never does. Under this theory (to which this blog will hold), the whys of current events and future world events can be discovered by studying history. If this is the case then current and near future events should be understandable and predictable respectively. As such this blog will tie together various events around the world to show that this is the case.

I am a 24 year old college student studying engineering physics at Ohio State. I am proud to have served in the Army as a radar technician (and God and health willing will do so again). While my education background is in math and science, I am an amateur historian/economist/pundit to the extent that I tested out of all of my high school and college history, geography, economics, and government classes and then some. I am also a devout Christian (Southern Baptist). Further, since I am a young Christian white male who has served in the military, is very knowledgeable about history and economics, and very much loves his country, it goes without saying that I am a Republican. Lastly, I never have and never will claim spelling or grammar to be strong areas of mine. Since I will never hold it against anyone, I expect the same.

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